When I was in high school, I began to ask God a lot of questions. God, how do I do this? God, when will I be able to go there? God, how will I know…? God, when will you show me….? God…Who…? God…What….? God, Why? God, Where? God?

Question after question after question. For a very long time, I didn’t think He was answering me. It seemed like every time I asked a question, He would respond with, “Joshua 1:8.” Initially, I didn’t get it. I wanted answers, not a Bible verse. But it seemed that every time I asked a question, no matter what the question was, His answer always seemed to be the same: Joshua 1:8.


For months, I didn’t get it. I mean, I knew what it said, or at least, I thought I did. But once it (finally) became clear that He was only going to tell me one thing no matter what I asked… I thought, “maybe I should just look it up.” (yeah, whatever you’re thinking, right now)

Even if you’re familiar with the verse, do me a favor, and take the time to read it, not recite it, okay? Here’s what Joshua 1:8 says in the KJV Bible:

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.  –Joshua 1:8 KJV

Eventually, I not only read it, but I began to meditate it. And I realized that this verse, for me, really has been the answer to all my questions from that time in my life, so many years ago. It literally breaks down the answer to every question into these 3 chain reactions:  

 1.    Read the word so you can speak the word
2.    Meditate the word so that you can do the word
3.   Do the word, so you’ll receive the reward of your obedience (that is, the answer to your question and/or solution to your problem).                                                                                                                                                         

Now, if you’re thinking, “Wilma, I love that for you but, it’s not the answer to every question I have.” But it is. It really is!  Let me show you why. 

See, the problem or question you have will determine what part of the book of the law you meditate. If you’re impacted by a sickness, you’ll meditate the appropriate verses for that situation. If you’re experiencing a “less than” season in your finances, you’ll meditate appropriate verses to address that issue. Then, after you meditate, you must do the word, work the word, and act on the word. You can’t just hear the word and expect answers. If you want results, you must DO THE WORD. Why? Because faith without works is useless! (James 2:17 NLT)  God blesses the DOERS of His word, not those who are just hearers. (James 1:22-25)

So, yes. No matter the problem or how complicated the question, the answer can be found when you read and do what it says in Joshua 1:8. Sharing this can save a lot of people a lot of time and trouble. Now, go tell your family and friends and …Keep the Faith, LifeSpeakers!

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