When you’re having a tough day, I want you to be able to come here for a while, get revived and inspired by the power of the life-giving word of God.
I want this to be a place where communication goes both ways. This is a community and I want us to grow, together, here…as we develop the power of our words and our commitment to LifeSpeak™: Speak God’s Word and Get God’s Results.
Now tell me . . .
What do you want to talk about? Where are you hurting in your life? What mountains can I help you move? I’m here for you. Let’s conquer them together.
The why behind it all:
My mission is to empower you to know that when you LifeSpeak™, that is, when you speak God’s Word to Get God’s results–nothing can stop you. LifeSpeaking causes your faith-filled words to help you . . .
• overcome adversity
• own your authority
• live in victory

Wilma Hollis is an author, speaker, and host of LifeSpeakers LIVE! Her mission is to empower every woman on the planet to confidently, speak the Word of God and make it practical in their lives.
She inspires women of faith to align their words with God’s word to overcome adversity, own their authority, and live victoriously.
Her book, LifeSpeak™ 101: Speak Life and Win! will empower you to activate the promises of God through the method of a trademarked language she calls, “LifeSpeaking”. Your faith-filled words have all the power you need to get the victory.
Let Wilma teach you how to speak to win in every area of your life. God, Himself, has declared that you are a winner. Now, it’s time to speak like one.
Wilma Hollis is a Chicago native, wife, and the mother of 3 adult children.
A Word From Wilma