Since this is the season of big family gatherings around the table, I thought I’d share this with you:
I so admire people who love to cook.
There is so much that goes into planning a meal. I’m sure you’ve seen TV shows that demonstrate the skill of chefs who can multi-task and, singlehandedly, prepare a 7-course meal while still managing to have everything plated at the exact same time. (The ability to pull that off is nothing short of miraculous).
These are the things I was thinking about as I read Psalm 23, recently. Take a few minutes to read it, when you can. Psalm 23 is all about how the Lord takes care of us. It’s starts out by saying that “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Some translations say it this way, “The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need.” Please note the connection between the Lord being your shepherd and your needs being supplied. What we can infer from this verse is this: If He is your shepherd, He has obligated Himself to provide every one of your needs. So today, (for just a few minutes) I want to focus on Psalm 23:5, which says –
You prepare a table before me.
In the presence of my enemies.
Can you imagine a table, a banquet being prepared for you as your powerless enemies are forced to stand by and watch, unable to do anything to stop it?
(See) When someone prepares a table for you, they expect you to do two (2) things: take and partake
- Take – Take a seat at the table
- Partake – Partake of the bounty that’s being served
We should note that God has prepared this table, this feast (I’m sure it is a feast, because we know that God does everything in an over-the-top kind of way), in the presence of our enemies.
So, right there, in front of our haters, God prepares a feast for us. And He expects us to sit down, relax and enjoy all this bounty . . . while our haters, naysayers and critics bear witness to the blessings being bestowed upon us.
Now, the next question is: What’s on the Table? Let’s be honest with ourselves: When we sit down at a table that’s filled with options, we take a long look to see what’s being served. So, let’s look at the table, and find out what God has made available for us:
Welcome to the . . . PSALM 23 EATERY.
Well, the first item I notice on the table is:
Psalm 23 begins by saying the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need. Those 2 declarations: The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need? That’s the recipe for Peace.
Nothing gives you more peace than you have everything you need and, there’s a platter of Peace on the table. It’s the kind that surpasses all understanding. It’s the kind that will leave your enemies speechless after they’ve tried every trick in the book to derail God’s plan for your life. So, go one take as much as you desire. It’ll never run out.
Ah… see there? That tray of Strength looks inviting, too. When you feel weak, you can still say, you’re strong because the more you trust Him, somehow your portion keeps increasing. When you wait on the Lord, it gets renewed.
Now, in the far-left hand corner of the table, I spotted a large bowl of:
Even if you’ve been weeping through the night, it still gets delivered in the morning.
Have you been dealing with some heartaches, back pains, or trauma from the past? Then, make sure you fill your plate with healing. There are so many varieties. There’s healing from physical pain, mental illness, and emotional suffering. There’s healing from the stuff of the past that tries to impact your present and, steal your future. No matter how you’re hurting, there’s healing available. So, take all the healing you need. You know, it’s called “the children’s bread”.
The table is spread, and the options are endless. There is so much here, waiting for you that it’s, literally, impossible for me to describe it all.
But hopefully, I’ve given you an idea of what’s on the table, every day, at The Psalm 23 Eatery. Since there is a feast prepared for you in the presence of your enemies, our motto is:
Bring your friends… and invite your enemies, too!
So, take a seat and partake of everything that’s available. Bon Appetite!
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