Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

–Isaiah 41:10

Every Monday, I post a reel called “Monday Morning JOY.” It’s a practical reminder for us to remember to nurture, empower and remain unapologetically aware of the importance of the joy of the Lord in our lives. 

What started as, what I thought would be a one-off reel, has morphed into weeks, and now months, of Monday Morning Joy Episodes. With so much change, chaos and uncertainty in the world, God knew that we’d need a bite-sized, stabilizing word for these tumultuous times. I’m so thankful that He trusted me.

The basis of our Monday Morning Joy is this: The JOY of the Lord is our strength. So, we make joy deposits on Mondays so that we don’t start the work week in weakness. Our joy is not based on what is happening, that’s the definition of happiness. Our joy is based on these three immutable truths:

  1. Who God is
  2. What God has said 
  3. What God has done.

And because these truths will never change, we can have joy, even when we are experiencing seasons of sadness. Each week, God provides us with a reason that we can still have joy. And this week, the reason He gave that we can have joy is this:

He is with us.

I thought it was a pretty straightforward thought until he said, “Look again.” Then He showed me that when He says “I am with you,” here’s just some of what He means:

  • I am with you meaning I will never leave you alone
  • I am with you meaning I am on your side
  • I am with you meaning I am living inside of you
  • I am with you meaning I understand your thoughts, feelings
  • I am with you meaning I am your partner as you conduct Kingdom Business
  • I am with you meaning I know that you are in alignment with my word

God is WITH YOU. And knowing that is reason enough for all of us to face our Mondays with fearless anticipation of the all the victory that await us this week.

Keep the Faith, LifeSpeakers!


Encouraged? Share, subscribe and receive a new blogpost each Monday along with our monthly LifeSpeaker’s Love Letters – on the first day of the month. Follow on IG/TikTok @WilmaHollisLifeSpeak. Subscribe to our YouTube channel @LifeSpeakTV. Learn to win every battle and declare God’s word with LifeSpeak 101: Speak Life and Win (Amazon). LifeSpeak 102 – COMING SOON. Please DM all prayer requests through my IG account @wilmahollislifespeak. Keep the Faith, LifeSpeakers!