A few evenings ago, my husband and I had the epic privilege of going to dinner with some dear friends of ours. Since we no longer attend the same church (or even live in the same state, for that matter), it was a rare, welcomed and much-needed visit for all of us.

We met at 6:30pm and were seated near the rear of the restaurant. The venue was almost filled to capacity. The consistent hum of multiple conversations, clinging utensils, and noises from the kitchen created a symphony orchestra that played the perfect melody to accompany our meal. 

After we updated each other on our children, work, businesses, etc., the conversation effortlessly segued to deeper content: How’s your church?  What has God been teaching you? What’s the biggest challenge your faith is facing, right now? How do you continue LifeSpeaking concerning healing, for example, when the pain in your body is trying to drown out your praise to God?  We laughed, shared stories and rested in the safe space of our friendship.


Suddenly, we realized that the once-filled-to-capacity restaurant, was almost empty, dim and there were 3 servers just waiting for us, and another family, to leave so they could close for the night. We left the restaurant, only to continue the conversation in the parking lot for almost another hour. Then we hugged, said our “we love you’s”, and parted ways… until next time.

I can only describe the visit as “refreshing.” When we got home, I thought about the importance of friendship. We are blessed to have friendships with other couples who are also nourishing to our lives. Friendships are important to God. Everyone needs friends, that person or those people, who you can trust to listen to you, advise you, and even correct you, when necessary. The right friends will help you grow, provide different viewpoints for you to consider and make the time necessary to keep you in their lives. They will support you in tough times and celebrate with you in good times. I believe God established friendships to sweeten life’s journey for all of us. Here’s what God’s word says about friends . . .

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  – John15:12-13

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time for adversity.  —Proverbs 17:17

When Job prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes, giving him twice as much as before. —Job 42:10

Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.  —Proverbs 27:9

Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty. – Job 6:14

Let me encourage you: Value your friends. Treasure the role they play in your life. Never take for granted any gift of friendship God has provided and be the kind of friend that you’d appreciate having in your life.

 Keep the Faith, LifeSpeakers!

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Please DM all prayer requests through my IG account @wilmahollislifespeak. Keep the Faith, LifeSpeakers!